治愈疾病. 培养健康. 改变生活.

我们看到了需求,并响应了号召. 德克萨斯州东北部面临医疗短缺. 我们的使命是改善整个地区医疗保健的可用性和可及性. 在一个&移动商务,我们正在实现这一目标. 每一天,我们的学生都在通过关心他人来改变世界. 有了我们的帮助,他们不仅能拯救生命. 他们会改造他们.




I am pleased to present the long-awaited 护理 and 健康科学s Building on the campus of 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务!

This beautiful facility will enable us to meet the growing healthcare needs in East 德州 and beyond. 在这里, future healthcare leaders will learn life-saving skills in our Clinical Learning Center, and faculty will conduct leading healthcare research in our state-of-the-art laboratories.

The building's open-concept design places education on display and promotes a collaborative learning experience. 学生将使用互动元素与同伴互动, 比如可书写的白板墙和桌子, 连接小组工作会议的技术, 以及为高影响力教育而设计的主动学习环境教室.

透明的玻璃外墙提醒我们,我们的工作并没有就此结束. A&移动商务 is not only committed to caring for our community, but also our state, nation and world. 我们已准备好与外部行业合作, 医疗保健提供者和学校系统扩大培训计划, 创新研究和社区服务.

A的前途一片光明&移动商务. 有了我们新的护理与健康科学大楼,我们可以确保A&移动商务 will continue to produce leading educators and healthcare workers in the state of 德州.

下次你来学校的时候,请顺便来参观一下我们的设施. 你会惊讶的!



健康不仅仅是一门学科. 这是一项综合任务.

2020年开业, our 护理 and 健康科学 Building provides a collaborative space for innovation, 成长和发现. 这个三层楼的设施是一个模拟医院, 教学的厨房, 实验室和学习中心. You’ll have access to leading technology for conducting advanced research in public health, 护理, 人体力学, 营养与健康, 和人体运动学.

A professor talking to a student in the common area of the 护理 and health sciences building.
Two student sitting down at a table looking at a laptop in the common area of the 护理 and health sciences building.


五年前,A&移动商务 united together with a single purpose in mind: improving the healthcare of Northeast 德州. 在一起, 护理系, the Department of 健康与人类表现 and the Biomedical Institute for Regenerative 研究 are making this happen.


位于新的健康科学中心 生物医学再生研究所(BIRR) 是a的新项目&发现减少伤害和修复心脏的方法的移动商务. 而在这里, you'll work with a renowned team of scientists as you explore ground-breaking discoveries. 我们正在为心脏再生研究铺平道路. 你准备好加入了吗?

Two professors of the 生物医学再生研究所(BIRR) working in the lab.


医疗保健不断变化. 在一个&移动商务,我们也在不断发展. Our nationally recognized 护理 program uses the latest technology to prepare our students for an ever-changing world. 而在这里, you'll join a community of faculty and students who strive for excellence in 护理 education, 实践与管理. 发现你如何能有所作为. 今天就来看看我们的护理课程吧!


改善农村卫生是我们的使命. 你可以帮助实现这一点. 我们的护理和健康科学大楼的特色, our Department of 健康与人类表现 has one goal in mind: making a difference. Join our team as we discover new ways to prevent diseases, promote health and provide support. 在一个&移动商务, we’re paving the way to a better future within our community, country and world.





Whether here or abroad, we’re committed to improving the well-being of those around us. A级毕业生&移动商务 have traveled around the world, bringing their knowledge and service with them. 通过我们改变生活的共同愿景, 我们正在为不断变化的环境创造解决方案, 日益增长的世界.

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